If we can't control the weather, we can continue to prepare for the layout of the course. If you haven't run Rock'n'Roll San Antonio previously, let me tell you first that I think it's a great course. It shows off San Antonio, the crowd support was wonderful last year and I'm sure San Antonio will come out again in '09. Also, I think the race organization is top tier, so expect to be well cared for on the course. Oh! and please show your appreciation for the numerous bands who will be entertaining. You're never more than a mile from the next sound stage.
OK. A couple of caveats. The course is relatively flat, but don't let the hill at around mile 5 break you. It's the only section of the course where the grade might be considered a bit of a challenge, and it's something which will confront marathoners and halfers equally. You'll see the course begin to rise as you run north on McCullough and then it gets a little more challenging once the left turn is made onto Craig. I ran this section last week and ran it again tonight in order to imprint a good mental image of the almost half mile of climb. You'll get a good mental lift when you turn on Flores and enjoy a downhill to San Pedro Park. The 10K timing mat is just on the other side of the park.
Look at the elevation graphic and you will see the obvious challenge to the marathoners. Miles 18 through 24 are a steady uphill grind. Most of us are pretty much running on empty here. Keep it up! Resist the temptation to walk. Once you get past the railroad underpass at mile 23 you've got the worst of the elevation challenges licked. Keep going..... This is why you've trained and it's why we run marathons - for the challenge of the finish. Let's celebrate at the Alamodome!
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