Thursday, November 12, 2009

Runner Tracking

There is still time to sign up for "runner tracking", a system which will send a runner's progress updates to your mobile phone. This service charges $2 for the first runner and $1 each for additional runners.

Last year you could track runners online from the Rock'n'Roll San Antonio website, but I haven't been able to get confirmation on whether they will offer that again this year. I'll have someone monitor that on race day and will post to the blog if it is a possibility. Otherwise, just check the R'n'R website to see for yourself. It should be apparent if they have the system up, or not.

Ever wonder how this is done? If you're a veteran runner, you already know that most timing is done by a chip which is attached to the shoe laces. Timing mats pick up a signal from the chip when you run over the mat. You'll see a mat at the start and finish, but they also put mats at various other points along the race route, partly to insure that no one takes a shortcut, but mostly so they can record progress reports, or splits, for each runner. Within the past 18 months a dramatic change has taken place. Timing chips are used less and less. In their place are durable paper D-Tags from ChronoTrack Systems. Where once you had to wait at the finish line for someone to cut the timing chip off your shoe, there's now no need to turn anything back in. The D-Tag contains a tiny silicon chip and an aluminum antenna on a plastic substrate. This reacts with the timing mats the same way the older chips did. So, once you run over one of the mats your time and runner id is collected; the collector "talks" to software which then sends your race progress almost instantly to a subscriber's mobile phone. This information is also published later, along with your finishing time, so you can speculate for hours on end on how you will run an even better race the next time. Bottom line: It's Way Cool.

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San Antonio Runners Rule @ B2B 2010

San Antonio teams swept 4 of the top 5 places at this year's Beach to Bay Marathon Relay in Corpus. Two of those 4 SA teams were running for Fleet Feet San Antonio. Congratulations to those competitors: Fleet Feet Sports Mambas, Fleet Feet Juniors, Los Borrachos and GMTC.

Texas Independence Relay Results

The results are in for the 2010 running of the Texas Independence Relay, one of the coolest races to be found in Texas or elsewhere, for that matter. Congratulations to all the participants, to the numerous volunteers, and to race organizers Joy and Jay Hilscher.

Several San Antonio based teams ran the event. Kudos to Dr. Mitchell Finnie, a runner with Los Paisanos, the top finishing SA team. They covered the 203+ miles in 24 hours 53 minutes 30 seconds. The team from the Mid-Texas Symphony, which I led, finished in 29 hours 42 minutes 48 seconds.

Need a Lift?

I just ran across this inspiring blog and highly recommend it. It lifts my spirit to see so many people applying their passion and commitment to running to such great causes.